Two things you should know about me (BG):
- I will almost always wait until the last possible second to get things done if there is a deadline (hence the Dec. 31 sprint for New Years resolutions every damn year.)
- If I don’t write things down and keep them in front of my face regularly, I’ll forget them.
I’ve always been a goals/ resolutions girlie, but last December, I was burnt out and decided to forego the annual vision board I usually make. Coincidentally, this past year was the worst in a decade for moving my life forward toward where I want it to go. (correlation, not causation, but let’s not chance it again eh?)
So let’s switch things up. Gameifying is a tried and true way to help motivate yourself toward goals…. so why not a BINGO board of your goals?
I see this as a kinder, gentler version of my OG Digital Vision Boards, which could make you feel like if you didn’t hit all your goals, you failed in some way (at least if you’re hard on yourself like me). In BINGO, you only have to get 5 across to “win”… though any goals accomplished is progress of course!
Learn how to make my digital vision boards for desktop or phone with free templates, here!
I knocked goals out of the park for multiple years with this method because I saw the boards regularly and it kept my goals top of mind.
Why digital and not physical?
I think a digital goals list of any kind is better than traditional vision boards for a variety of reasons: vision boards made from magazine cutouts are time-intensive, not aesthetic, don’t go with the rest of your decor, are limited in style and image availability, etc.

By using a digital vision board you can highly customize what will go on it and the style of graphics and text, you can customize the size and edit it whenever you want.
If you set these as your phone background/ lock screen or desktop background, you’ll see these multiple times a day and hopefully they won’t become “invisible” as so many traditional vision boards and tacked-up lists tend to do.
Make your BINGO card
I used Canva to create my 2025 BINGO card and some blank templates for anyone to use!
You can get my templates here and customize them on Canva, which has a free version! Get versions with 24/ 9 boxes here.
I have a Canva tutorial in this blog post if you’d like a step-by-step!
If you don’t want to mess with Canva, you can just download the images and fill in with text using whatever you like! (instagram, tiktok, photoshop, paint, image editor, etc.) Get the JPG’s here.
Your worth is not tied to your productivity
Finally, if you create these, or set any new years goals… be kind to yourself. You have value regardless of if you have the best or worst year ever. You deserve love, happiness and peace. If at anytime your goals stop serving you, toss them out.
*I have a blanket rule that my goals are not fully set until January ends. This allows me to adjust to real life and things happening without guilt. Consider it, and happy goalsetting!
I hope this year is the best yet. -BG
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How to create a virtual vision board + free goals printables
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