So I haven’t been adapting well to self-isolation. I pretty much cried for three days of the first week and was barely been functional at my main job, much less my side hustle.
This event has been hard on all of us, and I’m incredibly lucky in my situation. So I’ve been trying to deal.
Enter all the tips on the internet.
Here’s what advice has been helpful, and what’s been a terrible idea for me and why. I hope it helps.
Here it is in video form, (for funny B-roll of me jumping on my couch in stretchy pants, dogs and but more tips below:
A short list of things I’ve found helpful:
- stretching
- candles
- talking out my fears/ venting to trusted people
- crafting
- walking
- small organizing projects
- playing with my dogs
- working on my financial plans (see below)
Things that have not helped me (that other sources recemmended)
- cleaning
- wearing real clothes
- doing skype/ zoom calls with friends
- reading the news
- tackling big projects
- watching disaster movies/ tv
- shopping
Resources mentioned:
How to make an emergency budget/ financial emergency plan:
How to budget:
Other things mentioned: (*may include afflinks)
- Coffeeshop Miniature DIY kit (overpriced, mine was $35ish)
Similar kits cheaper: - Apartment
- Apartment 2
- mini apartment (so cute!)
- greenhouse
- bookstore
- bookstore 2
- $15 bargain sets!
- cheap cafe set
- Watercolor tutorial
Resources on how to get help if you’ve lost your job:
How to help others right now:
What things have you been doing that have helped/ not helped you? Let’s talk about it in the comments below! (I personally respond to every comment, so let’s chat!)