Goal setting is a tricky business, and most of us have tried and failed more than we care to admit, especially with New Year’s Resolutions, which are particularly hard to keep throughout the year.
My theory is that life simply gets in the way, and we forget all the things we had hoped to do, which leads to unproductive guilt and us not giving ourselves proper accolades for the progress we’ve made.
This year I’m trying something different by creating a virtual vision board for my computer desktops and phone that will keep my goals constantly in my face and front of mind.
I think this is better than traditional vision boards for a variety of reasons: vision boards made from magazine cutouts are time-intensive, not aesthetic, don’t go with the rest of your decor, are limited in wood and image availability, etc.
By using a digital vision board I can highly customize what will go on it and the style of graphics and text, I can customize the size and edit it whenever I want.
Here are my current vision boards:
Desktop background:

Cell phone lock screen:
I’ll see these multiple times a day and hopefully they won’t become “invisible” as so many traditional vision boards and tacked-up lists tend to do.
Check out my video here on how to use Canva.com to make your own, completely custom to your style and goals.
Yearly Goals Printables
I also created some yearly printables to help you track individual goals using one of my favorite methods. “Don’t Break the Chain,” uses brain psychology to make you more inclined to make something a habit.
These work best with a single task that you hope to do every day. The printables have a full 2020 calendar with the days in boxes that you tick off when you complete the task.
By checking off each day, you create a chain of success that visually reminds you to do the thing.

I’ll be using mine to remember to floss daily. It’s a habit I’ve been hoping to master for years, but after some recent dental work, I’m very motivated really to do.
I showed the “Don’t Break the Chain” method in this video, which highlights even more ways to goal track! It’s an oldie, but a goodie.
You can download the printables here.
I’d love to hear what you plan to use them for and if you show them on social media, please tag me @gobudgetgirl. I’ll re-post you and it will also make my day to see my creations going to good use.
I make all this stuff completely for you guys!
Let’s chat in the comments! What are some of your goals/ resolutions?

More Ways I Save:
- ➡️ Ratuken/Ebates Cash back on online purchases and automatic coupons and savings with a simple browser plug in.
- ➡️ Ellevest: Investing by and for women. Easily save for retirement, big money goals, and grow your wealth. Get $50 free with a new account.
- ➡️ LastPass Don’t get hacked. Have secure passwords and protect yourself online for just $36 a year
- ➡️ GlassesUSA Save money by buying high quality, low priced glasses and contacts online
- ➡️ CapitalOne360 Get up to 20 free, interest-earning, name-able sinking fund or savings accounts. No fees.
- ➡️ AirBnB Get $55 off your first stay with a new account
- ➡️ My Amazon Store – it’s filled with things I love and use to save money and improve my home/ life.
*afflinks These are platforms and services and genuinely use, love and recommend. I may recieve commissions at no cost to you if you use my link.
Thank you so much for your generosity! My plans for the printables are 1) drink 8-10 cups of water everyday. 2) bring instead of buy my lunch at work. Doing these two things will save me at least $800 next year and every penny will go towards paying off debt!