I love hearing about what other people have learned throughout their lives and since being in my 30’s, I realized I’ve learned quite a few money and life lessons of my own. I certainly don’t have everything figured out but I do have some stuff pretty well handled. So today I’m sharing more than 30 money and life lessons that I’ve learned over the years.
1. We are all so incredibly lucky to be here
In recent years and since living through a pandemic, this one hits home even harder. If you have a working body and mind you’ve hit the damn lottery, so don’t forget it!
2. Put away your laundry the same day you wash/dry it
It will sit crumpled up in baskets for a week or more, mocking you and making you feel like you don’t have your life together. Remember that saying, “tidy space, tidy mind!”

3. You have more of your life together than you think
If you have a job, a safe place to live, food, and some money then you’re doing better than most of the planet. Be grateful for those basic things every day.
4. No one is out to get you
Why do I know that? Because everyone is far too busy caring about themselves and how they look than scheming and worrying about you. If someone is out to get you, it says a lot more about them than you.

5. Expiration dates on canned food are highly arbitrary
They are also unregulated and are mostly there to get you to buy more canned food. If it’s not dented, looks, and smells okay then it’s probably fine.
6. Being kind costs nothing
7. Money has 3 purposes
Firstly, money is meant to keep you safe, clothed, and warm. Secondly, it is there to let you enjoy and experience the world (and your life). Lastly, money should also be used to help others who have less than you.

8. Everyone deserves a safe place to live, food to eat and clothing on their back
However, no one deserves a vacation or luxuries until they have the money to pay for it themselves.
9. Staying committed to paying off my student loan debt was the best thing I ever did
Going hard and cutting out all the luxuries and niceties to get out of my debt in three years was the smartest thing I have ever committed to. It’s my greatest accomplishment so far in life. Those short-term sacrifices mean that I now have infinitely more options available to me and that choice will add literal dollars to my wealth over the course of my life.

10. You’re probably washing your hair too often
If you wash your hair every day, try and train your hair to go days between washes. Trust me, it’s a money saver and your hair will feel better for it!
11. Paying interest on credit cards is the dumbest thing you can do with money
I’d argue it’s dumber than simply setting your money on fire because at least that is a finite amount lost instantly and not something that compounds and grows. Use that knowledge accordingly.

12. Comparison is the thief of joy
Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and a killer of dreams, passion, and motivation. Your life is yours, your path is your own and you don’t have to do certain things by certain ages to be successful and happy.
13. Books are a freaking miracle
Being able to learn from others and experience the worlds that they’ve created is the coolest damn thing.

14. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them
15. Always keep jumper cables in your car
16. People are always more important than things

17. Leftovers that have been in the fridge too long are not worth getting food poisoning over
18. Good friends will vastly improve your life
However, you must put in regular work and time to keep those relationships alive. The older you are the harder it is to make deep connections and your oldest friends will save you from repeating mistakes.
19. Ask for what you want
You’ll often get it.

20. Crying is not something to be ashamed of
Let out your emotions!
21. Learning how to cook is one of the most life-improving things that you can do
It will save you thousands of dollars and it’s personally fulfilling!

22. No one will advocate for you better than yourself
Stand up for yourself in all situations.
23. Save up an emergency fund
Having some money saved just for emergencies is priceless and will improve your mental health. Emergencies happen less when you’re prepared.

24. Don’t be embarrassed to take a lot of pictures
Or do anything you enjoy in general. Life is short, live how you want to!
25. Back up your hard-drive on your computer/phone
Electronics tend to break at the least convenient times get an external hard drive, cloud storage, or a bunch of thumb drives and do it at least quarterly.
26. Expensive doesn’t always mean better

27. Being brave is more likely to improve your life rather than make it worse
Be brave every once in a while and you’ll be glad you did.
28. Don’t buy any clothing that you have to talk to yourself into
If it’s not a hell yes then it’s a hell no.

29. You have to help yourself before you can help others
Just like airplane guidelines, put your oxygen mask on before you help someone with theirs.
30. Procrastination is mostly fear

31. Be kind to yourself
Your relationship with yourself is important and affects every aspect of your life.
I’m grateful to be in the decade of life where I feel so much more comfortable and confident in my own skin than I did in my 20s. I am way less scared of the world and I don’t put up with the BS that is thrown my way anymore. I can identify toxic workplaces, relationships, and people and not put up with them. I am so much smarter about money. I generally feel like I have more of my life together, which feels amazing.
This is a great post to take stock of how far you’ve come and to see what lessons you’ve gained over the years about life and money and potentially what areas you might need to learn some more of.
I’d love to know what those life lessons are so be sure to share them in the comments!
Check out these articles to find out more about me a & more!
How to deal with money in relationships
Budgeting inspiration for when you’re feeling discouraged or just starting