Today I am sharing 7 fast, free, and easy things that you can do right now to save you money, make your life better for the future, and hopefully, get you inspired to keep moving in the right direction!
1. Make a list of money goals
These goals can be anything from $100 for a new pair of shoes, a vacation, or saving money towards paying off your debt. You need something to be working towards that you can track progress on. It is absolutely key to have a vision in mind and a real clear set goal in order for you to make a real change in your life and achieve anything.

2. Make your coffee & lunch at home today
If you routinely buy your coffee and lunch on your way to work or on your break, those little costs add up pretty quickly. These seemingly small purchases can really get out of control and are often the reason that you’re not meeting your money goals. Instead, make these purchases more of a treat than part of your daily/weekly routine.
3. Make a budget
This tip shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Making a budget will literally change your life. Check out my budget spreadsheets if you need help getting started.
4. Organize a space in your home
Disorganization encourages excess spending. We’ve all been victims of repurchasing something that we later find in the back of a closet or cupboard. It’s not only good for a healthy home to be organized but it encourages less wasteful spending. Take stock of what you have, organize it, and then use up those things before you purchase new ones. This is a super-easy way to save money and improve your life.

5. Unsubscribe from marketing emails
The last thing you need while trying to save money are emails telling you about the discounts and sales going on at your favorite store. That’s why you should just take the temptation away by unsubscribing from these emails. Check out a site like unroll that allows you to see all the email lists you’re subscribed to and then you can unsubscribe from them in bulk.

6. Choose one item to sell that you no longer need/use
Choose ONE thing that you no longer need or want. Take a picture of it and put it on Facebook Marketplace or Poshmark if it’s a clothing item. By picking one thing to sell it will get the ball rolling to make this a habit to take stock of other things you’ve been meaning to sell.

7. Return the things you haven’t used
Get in the habit of keeping your receipts so that you can reconcile the purchases in your budget, as well as have a way to return an item that didn’t work out. Furthermore, don’t cut off the tags or dispose of the packaging of an item before you actually start using it just in case you decide you want to return it later.
So those are my quick tips on how to save some money this week! You don’t have to be perfect or completely change your life in a day. Instead, sometimes taking one little step in the right direction that moves us towards our goals is all it takes.
Let me know what quick money-saving tips you’ve implemented in your daily or weekly routines!
Read more about how to save money here:
50 ways to save money on food – ft. The Budget Girl Community
What you should (and shouldn’t) finance