Here’s your February guide for money including things to budget for, some budgeting challenges to partake in, what produce is in season, what’s on sale this month, and more!
Don’t forget to budget for:
- Valentine’s Day! (treats, dinner, presents, etc.)
- Taxes (software or professional fees/ taxes owed)
- Fitness equipment/ gear (lowest price of the year as things go on sale from January!)
- Super Bowl activities (snacks, parties, game access, etc.)
See this article on inexpensive Valentine’s day ideas!
Money challenges
1: Re-evaluate annual goals and resolutions!
We’re one month into the year and life has probably happened, whether it’s a cold, overwhelm or something else. Re-evaluate your goals and see what is and isn’t working.
Adjusting your goals isn’t failure, it’s helping you succeed over the long term.

2: Lower your electricity and heating costs
- Limit the lights in your home. Make a concerted effort to turn off lights that aren’t being used. This might also be a good time to replace any conventional light bulbs with energy-saving LED ones.
- Turn down the thermostat. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates savings of about 1% on your energy bill when you lower your thermostat just one degree – assuming you keep it lowered for eight hours. Keep your thermostat lower by, say, five degrees, and you can see how that might help your bill.
Wearing a sweater at home or cuddling under a blanket can actually save you money. After your December holiday electric bill, you’ll be happy to have a smaller bill in February.

Life Challenge! *new!*
Here’s one quick challenge that will help you feel more together and make your life go more smoothly. You deserve it!

Get a HYSA
Are you paying a bank to keep your money there? No offense, but that’s bullcrap. The bank already uses your money to make themselves tons of profit, if they’re charging your fees, they’re taking HUGE advantage of you.
It’s a pain to swap banks, I know, but consider it a fresh start and go to a bank that doesn’t charge you and instead PAYS YOU to bank there.
Join a bank that has no fees and a a High Yield Savings Account (HYSA) and make 2022 the year you get rewarded for mastering your money.
See the banks I recommend HERE and pick the one that is right for YOU.
What’s on sale this month?
Everything goes on sale eventually and if you shop smart, you can save big. Please don’t allow this list to encourage you to buy things you don’t want or need, but instead educate you and allow you to plan better!
February sales
- TV’s
- Jewelry
- Winter Clothing
- Gardening tools and items
- Athletic shoes and fitness items/ equipment

Expect to see President’s Day sales on…
- Mattresses
- Appliances
- Furniture
- Electronics
- Computers
Expect to get up to 75% off clothing, up to 70% off computers, and up to 60% off mattresses during Presidents’ Day sales.
Wait to buy
These items will be at or near their top prices in February, wait if you can! You’ll find better deals if you wait until later in the year.

- Cruises
- Luggage
- Android Phones
What produce is in season this month?
Save on groceries by shopping seasonally. Here’s what’s in-season and therefore likely on sale and super fresh in stores!
- Apples
- Avocado
- Bananas
- Citrus
- Grapefruit
- Greens
- Kiwi
- Lemons
- Mango
- Oranges
- Pears
- Pomegranates
- Strawberries
- Tangelos

- Beets
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Celery
- Cauliflower
- Kale
- Leeks
- Mushrooms
- Parsnips
- Potatoes
- Rutabagas
- Sweet Unions
- Turnips
- Winter Squashes
Recipe of the month! *New!*
This homemade candied, savory bacon is bomb and a huge crowd pleaser. Wanna impress your brunch guests or really level up your weekend or breakfast-for-dinner meal?
Get the recipe for my Millionaire Bacon here!
Want to know how to save more money? Check out these articles:
How to prepare now for student loan repayment
How to make money as a secret shopper
How to treat yourself on a budget
And get ready for next month with the March Budget Guide!

What are your making sure to budget for in February? Did i miss anything?